/** * Javascript template variables */ var properties_cluster_marker = "images/markers/coral-marker.png", //The URL of the cluster icon image file properties_cluster_textcolor = "#ffffff", //The color of the label text shown on the cluster icon properties_initialZoom = 4, //The initial zoom when properties map load properties_selectedZoom = 14, //The zoom to apply when an property is selected properties_mapInitialLatitude = 52.410337, //Properties map initial Latitude properties_mapInitialLongitude = 16.923398, //Properties map initial Longitude properties_viewMore = "Więcej", //Properties View More Button Text agency_initialZoom = 4, //The initial zoom when agencies map load agency_selectedZoom = 14, //The zoom to apply when an agency is selected agency_mapInitialLatitude = 52.410337, //Agencies map initial Latitude agency_mapInitialLongitude = 16.923398, //Agencies map initial Longitude agency_viewMore = "Więcej", //Agency View More Button Text use_default_map_style = false, //If true, default map style will be used twitter_username = "", mobileMenuTitle = "Menu"; //The title of the mobile menu